What is it to Covet?
To "covet" is to desire for our own what belongs to our neighbor. 

Whereas in the commandment not to steal -- an easily identifiable outward action, in this commandment we are commanded not to covet, and inward action of the heart.

What is Legal is Not Always Right
Luther noted in the commandment, "You shall not steal" the so-called "super-thieves," those who steal under the cloak of legality -- all they do is legal, but they harm their neighbors by taking what they should not grasp after. So also in coveting we may legally take what belongs to our neighbor under the guise of legal wrangling when we know in our hearts it is only greed and covetousness.

The "Golden Rule" of Jesus guides us in this commandment and all others. We only need to ask ourselves, "Would I want this done to me?" If the answer is no, then we must acknowledge that it is wrong in the sight of God, regardless of what civil law may state.  

This sort of coveting and taking by legal action is common to the rich and powerful. But most common people do not have the resources to hide their covetousness under the cloak of legality to unlawfully take what belongs to our neighbor.  If outward thievery is not committed by those of average means, other trickery may be employed. Luring a spouse, worker or friend away from another by speaking poorly of the other spouse, employer or friend (breaking the commandment, "not to bear false witness") to bring them to ourselves is no less wrong, although there is certainly no law against such behavior.

The Commandments Bring us to Knowledge of Our Sin
The primary purpose of these 10 Commandments is to show us our sin -- and need for a Savior, namely Jesus Christ.  If we were able to have a pure heart, as Jesus tells us in Matthew 5:8, there would be no need of The 10 Commandments.

It is in The 10 Commandments we see how terribly sinful we are -- our best efforts fall far short of the perfection God demands of us. The Commandment(s) not to covet deals with our heart, and shows us all how dreadfully sinful we are and in what dire need we are of the grace of God given to us through Jesus Christ.

An easy acronym to teach children the difference between law and gospel is S.O.S.  For the Law S.O.S.:
S hows 
O ur 
S in 

For the gospel S.O.S.:
S hows
O ur 
S avior

Teaching Children Not to Covet
Help children to understand that God desires us help our neighbor in all circumstances with all his goods or possessions and to do no harm. God has given material blessings to each of us in different degrees. Some have more, some have less, but this is for God to decide.

Show children that the other commandments regarding our neighbors deal with external acts, but this commandment deals with our heart.  Be certain to tell children that God graciously and richly forgives all our sins not because of anything we have, can or will do, but because of His great love for us. We know God's great love for us in Jesus Christ, "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life." (John 3:16)

More Resources for Biblical Memory and Teaching Kids 
The 10 Commandments
I hope this article will help you to give fuller explanation to your kids on the commandment to not bear false witness. For more resources visit 10 Commandments for Kids to help children quickly learn The 10 Commandments in a fun way. Or visit me at my author homepage, Boost Your Memory!

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