The "Golden Rule"
The so-called "second table" of The 10 Commandments, beginning with the commandment to honor father and mother, instruct God pleasing behavior towards our neighbor. 

Jesus exemplifies (and simplifies) this "table" of the law in the "Golden Rule." Jesus says in the Sermon on the Mount (Matt.5-7), "Therefore, whatever you want men to do to you, do also to them, for this is the Law and the Prophets." (Matt. 7:12)  Not only are we to do no harm, but we are also to help our neighbor as we are given opportunity to do so.

Following the commandment to honor father and mother, we move to the closest relationship next to father and mother, our spouse.

In The 10 Commandments it is clear that God desires to protect our neighbor's body, reputation and possessions. A man's spouse is joined to his own flesh. In marriage man and woman become one flesh (Gen.2:24; cf. Matt. 19:6). This relationship is not to be trespassed upon by any other. In violating this commandment we harm our neighbor in body and reputation.

Outward Conduct and the Gospel
Not only is the physical act of committing adultery prohibited in this commandment  but every unchaste or unclean act, thought, deed or word.  When we, as adults, reflect on this commandment we understand the impossibility of keeping this commandment or any other. What a shock it must have come to those who heard Jesus say that simply lusting after another woman was an act of adultery! Not only that but it would be better to pluck one's eye out if given to the sin of lusting. Jesus' full exposition on adultery and divorce may be read in Matthew 5:27-32.  

The point of Jesus' words in the Sermon on the Mount regarding adultery are not that this lust can be overcome (plucking one's eyes out would not solve the problem of lust -- sin, including adultery, resides in the heart; Mark 7:21), but that a Savior is needed. We are helpless to fulfill the commandments in the righteousness God requires, but Jesus Christ has fulfilled these requirements for us. Thanks be to God!

It is this fact, that through Jesus Christ the sins of the world have been forgiven (1 John 2:2), that motivates us to do good works -- such as remaining chaste until marriage and remaining faithful in marriage. In other words, it is the Gospel that empowers us to joyfully desire to live according to God's will expressed in The 10 Commandments.

Spiritual Adultery
The Old Testament is filled with examples of "spiritual" adultery. That is to say, with God's chosen people going after foreign gods. In this we clearly see the connection of the commandment not to commit adultery tied with the First Commandment, "You shall have no other gods."

God is a "jealous" God (Exodus 20:5). And just as a husband is rightly "jealous" of his wife, that is to say, he will not share his bride with another, so God will not share His bride with false gods or idols. So the Apostle John in the New Testament says in closing his first letter (epistle) to the Church, "Little children, keep yourselves from idols!" (1 John 5:21).  When we place our desires above God's will expressed in The 10 Commandments, we are creating "idols" and committing "spiritual adultery" ourselves.

"You Shall Not Commit Adultery" -- Teaching Kids
This commandment can be difficult for parents and teachers to approach with young children. A simple way I teach this commandment to children is to point to Adam and Eve. God made Adam and Eve as first husband and wife. In doing so God made them one flesh.  Let kids know that marriage is pleasing to God!

Help children understand that God wants husband and wife to remain together for the rest of their lives. God Himself joins men and women in marriage and this marriage bond is not to be broken according to God's will. 

A simple way to explain to younger kids the idea behind "adultery" is to simply tell them that only Mom and Dad sleep in the same bed and that they are not to sleep with the opposite sex until married. As children become older, a fuller explanation of this commandment should be given.

Of course there are children who have divorced parents, I am one of them. We live in a sinful world -- divorce is part of the fallen world, yet it is not according to God's will. I have told my children that the divorce was not God pleasing, and that when they marry, God desires them to be with one spouse for their entire life.

There is forgiveness for this sin and all others through Jesus Christ. Always be sure to emphasize God's loving-kindness expressed to us in the forgiveness of sins given to us through the sacrifice and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

More Resources for Biblical Memory and Teaching Kids The 10 Commandments
I hope this article will help you to give fuller explanation to your kids on this commandment. For more resources visit 10 Commandments for Kids to help children quickly learn The 10 Commandments in a fun way. Or visit me at my author homepage, Boost Your Memory!

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