What is False Witness?
The most direct usage of this commandment is not to tell any lies or misleading statements about our neighbor in a court of law. To do so would cause injury of not only person and possessions, but of personal reputation.

Secondly, this commandment deals with those who preach and teach God's word. False teaching (doctrine) is not permitted within the church. Such teaching and preaching defames God and bears false witness to His word and harms our neighbor in the severest way.

Lastly, this commandment instructs us of how we are to speak of one another. Not only are we not to tell lies or hurt our neighbors reputation by telling untrue or uncertain facts, but we are to "...defend him, speak well of him, and explain everything in the kindest way." (Luther's Small Catehcim (SC)).

Why is Reputation Important?
It is very difficult and painful to live with a damaged reputation. Even if false accusations are made and  then proven untrue the cloud of suspicion still looms over the head of the one who was falsely accused. It is a bitter thing to have to endure. While lost possessions may be required, a tarnished reputation often can never be fully restored.

Luther rightly states in his SC, "...it is intolerable to live among people in open shame and general contempt." This is why God wants to safeguard both our reputation and our neighbors reputation.  It all boils down to "...whatever you want men to do to you, do also to them, for this is the Law and the Prophets." the so-called "golden rule" of Jesus in Matthew 7:12. If we find it burdensome to live with our name being slandered, certainly our neighbor desires the same consideration. 

How are we to Speak of our Neighbor?
Not only are we to keep our tongues from telling lies, half-truths or gossip about our neighbor, but we are to help keep his or her reputation safe.  If we are not certain of a matter that might harm our neighbors reputation, we are to remain silent about the matter. Wouldn't you want the same for your reputation when you are spoken about?

If we see our neighbor doing wrong we are to speak directly to him about it. We are not to go gossiping in every corner about our neighbor. When there is gossip on private matters, we are not to take part. Rather we should seek to defend our neighbor. A simple and non-combative method for doing this is simply attempting to change the subject. 

Not Bearing False Witness for Kids
Children should be taught that God desires that we speak well of our neighbors -- even those we don't like. Help children to understand this by asking them how they would like it if they walked in to find a group of their friends speaking poorly about them. Ask how they would feel. This will help children how important it is to keep our neighbors reputation safe. 

More Resources for Biblical Memory and Teaching Kids The 10 Commandments
I hope this article will help you to give fuller explanation to your kids on the commandment to not bear false witness. For more resources visit 10 Commandments for Kids to help children quickly learn The 10 Commandments in a fun way. Or visit me at my author homepage, Boost Your Memory!

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